Summary: In-person services will resume for both the 9am & 10:30am services on Sunday, October 4th. Children's Ministry will be offered at the 10:30am service. We will livestream both services.
(Masks and social distancing are required in the building for the love of neighbor.)
Dear Orchard Church Family,
Thank you for your faithfulness during the Covid-19 crisis. Even in the crisis we have continued to serve our community in the Name of Jesus. Thank you for your generosity!
As you know, things may change, so please pay attention to the website for any major changes.
The in-person services are going to follow medical guidelines in the following ways:
1. Facemasks Everyone older than two will be required to wear a face mask over their nose and mouth while on the premises. We are asking you to bring your own, but we will have a limited supply available if you forgot or do not have one.
While on stage a facemask will not be required. A facemask is required once a person steps off the stage.
2. Handwashing Everyone entering the building will be required to wash their hands at a handwashing station. We strongly recommend handwashing when leaving the building as well.
3. Social Distancing Everyone on the premises will be required to be at least six feet apart from persons outside of their household.
The chairs in the sanctuary and children's ministry will be sanatized between services. We are asking that households separate at least six feet apart from other households.
The playground area will be closed.
4. No Bulletins, Snacks, or Coffee The church will not be hosting food or beverages for the foreseeable future.
The bulletin can be found online: You can keep up-to-date on our website, and the bulletin will continue to be up-to-date:
5. Stay in Car Before 10:15am Because we are focused on producing the 9am Online Service, we are asking attenders to enter the building after 10:15am.
A greeter will open the front door to allow entry. Other points of entry and exit will be for emergencies only.
6. Bathroom Usage The Bathrooms will be open, but there will be a procedure posted to use the bathroom. (Use -> Wash Hands -> Clean All Contact Surfaces - > Wash Hands).
7. Capacity Size The number of people allowed in the building will be limited. We will have a maximum number of 65 persons total. There will be overflow seating in the Fellowship Hall.
8. Children’s Ministry Children's and preschool ministry will meet in the fellowship hall at the 10:30am service. Children will sit within family units. We will have a shortened service time to minimize mask wearing.
9. Over 65 and Medically Compromised If you are over 65 or medically compromised, please consult with your heath care provider about attending services as listed above. We will continue to offer our online services.
If you have a persistent cough, or fever, please stay home and utilize the online service.
While this is not optimal, meeting together is critical for our spiritual health. We will be adjusting these measures as the situation changes. Please do not hesitate to reach out and ask questions.
Stay strong as you hold fast to Jesus!
When I am afraid, I will trust in You! -Psalm 56:3
Because of Jesus, Pastor Nathan
Giving to the church can be made in the offering box, through the mail, or PayPal. Details Here: