Women's Ministry Please also check the calendar for scheduled events and activities.
Calling All Women! The Orchard Church is happy to announce a new Women’s fellowship group. We will kick off our first get together at the Church, October 24th from 6pm-8pm. We will open with short devotion time and lots of snacks to enjoy. Ladies, please invite a friend! This is a great way to connect with the Orchard Church family.
Mark your Calendar: Saturday, November 9th the Women’s fellowship group will be meeting at the church at 8:30 am for a short devotion time then off to Frankenmuth to Bronner’s. The group will carpool for this exciting day trip. Watch for the signup sheet soon.
Womens Craft Group We meet on Tuesday nights at 6:00PM. Our purpose is to provide Christian fellowship, encourage each other, grow together, and support Christian missions and outreach through using our craft skills. See pictures below for examples of what we do.
December 2024: we made bows for the Christmas hams that were given out at the December Meal Distribution.
Fall 2024: Pumpkin Patch bags for the 2024 Fall Festival.
May 2024 Community Baby Shower receiving blankets.
Spring 2023: Old pallets into beautiful flower boxes! We shared and learned new skills.
May 2024: hand painted nursery decor.
August 2023: Cutting boards decorated for our monthly meal distribution guests. They also received fresh vegetables grown by one of our church families. We want our guests to know they are loved by Jesus and by us. It's a pleasure to serve them!
Bears for local EMS and law enforcement to give to folks who could use comfort and encouragement.
The Orchard logo on the backs of the bears.
May 2022:
325 drawstring bags for a hospice memorial service.
An ongoing project: baby blankets for the little ones in Munson Neonatal ICU.
We are thankful for the care the babies and their families receive there.
2020: Teddy bears for a local organization to give to children who come to them for help with healing from trauma.
Veterans Day 2019: These went to Veterans at Munson Medical Center to honor and thank them.
Fall 2018: the Wednesday morning women's Bible study baked and delivered cookies to some local Kingsley businesses to thank them for their service to the community.